Pilates Performance Studio

Each person has a unique, individual history; also from a postural point of view, with all the specific needs of his/her case. This is why at the basis of our method there is a priority to consider each person as a whole of identities and needs, thus creating a personalized program with the objective of accompanying the client to reach his/her maximum physical potential.

To give life to this personalized journey, each new customer has three initial individual sessions available.

In this first phase, which we could call an “introductory course”, the medical history of the person and their desires are placed at the center. Posture, possible muscular imbalances, discomfort due to pain are evaluated; the client can learn the basic exercises and begin to become familiar with the tools. All this taking into account several factors, such as age, sex, one’s approach to movement, and other elements that influence the program and the consequent progress.

Subsequently, the semi-private lessons begin, in very small groups of up to four people, within which everyone can progress according to their own pace and level. It is our care to monitor the needs and progress of customers by recording specific observations and assigned exercises on cards, so as to constantly improve the program created together.

Due to the specific nature of the course, the groups do not bind the participants to mandatory deadlines: days and times are flexible and modeled on individual organizational needs. We suggest at least two lessons a week, so as to allow the Pilates exercises to create  continuity and a solid foundation for their development. Providing the satisfaction and effectiveness to the client.