
amitAmit was born and raised in Israel and has lived in London, England since 2001. Amit is a partner and senior teacher at Pilates Junction Studio and is the founder of Pilates On Demand (, Europe’s leading Pilates Mat Work Online website. Amit started his Pilates journey through the Romana lineage- taking Mat classes as a dance student in Rotterdam, Holland. He then trained to be a teacher following the Carola lineage and later completed training and became a teacher trainer for BASI Pilates. Amit has presented classes and workshops in Pilates studios and conferences in the United States, Japan, Israel, and across Europe. His main interest and expertise is in working with Pilates teachers to improve their teaching skills and sharpen their methodology and techniques in order to enable them to become better teachers. Amit comes from the world of Performing Arts. His ten years dance career has taken him all over the globe, performing with various companies. His extensive dance training includes not only Ballet and Modern techniques, but also Pilates, Feldenkrais and other Mind-Body methods. In addition to being a dancer, Amit has performed as a Violinist and has taken part in professional Theatre and Opera productions.

Saturday 31st of October
10-11,30 am Mat class Pilates for pregnancy
11,45 am-6 pm (with 1 hour break)  Pregnancy Workshop
Pregnancy is one of the “scariest” scenarios Pilates teachers come across. Many teachers who are making their first steps in teaching find it intimidating to work with pregnant women. All kinds of warnings, contraindications and other “friendly advice” will often make things worse. What we tend to forget, is that in most cases pregnant women are healthy women. Yes…They are going through major changes and can be tired, irritable, uncomfortable (and forgetful…) at times; but overall, pregnancy is a sign of health, not disease! As teachers- we need to do our own research in order to be sure we know what to be aware of and what might be contraindicated; and we should ALWAYS get doctor’s clearance before starting to teach pregnant woman. But when we know all is well- this is a time to celebrate and enjoy the marvels of the body as it grows and changes in front of our eyes.

Sunday 1st of November
9-10,30am Mat class
10,45am-2 pm Workshop: Positive and Effective Cueing Tools
It’s a well-known “secret” that Cueing well takes a lot of experience and practice. The teacher needs to have a good understanding of the Pilates method and the human body and needs to develop a sense to how people respond best to instructions in order to give an effective and well-timed cue. In this workshop, Amit shares his years of experience in teaching clients and training teachers to help the participants improve their cueing skills. We will focus on finding the most relevant element of the movement or learning process to cue on; and then finding the most positive and effective ways to cue people for success.

Amit will be available for private classes and duets on Friday from 3,30 pm  till 8 pm. 
Classes are 85 euros per hour.

Two days 310 euros
Only Saturday 200 euros
Only Sunday 150 euros
Mat class 40 euros
Capacity 16 people.